How EyeKinetix® Helps
Eye Doctors Like
Tad Kosanovich Elevate
their Standard of Care

EyeKinetix® pupillography, from Konan Medical Inc., is a unique and cutting-edge way to measure relative APDs. An objective upgrade to the conventional “swinging flashlight”, EyeKinetix can measure the pupillary response in several dimensions and identify the presence and severity of pupillary defects in less than a minute.
When Dr. Tad Kosanovich, an experienced optometrist practicing at Englewood Eye Care and Optical in Florida, saw EyeKinetix at several conferences, he recognized its potential and made the decision to purchase it. We caught up with Dr. Kosanovich to learn more about his experience with this advanced technology:
Q: How long have you been using this technology and what were you doing previously to test for APDs?
Dr. Kosanovich: This is our second year. We were doing both technician and physician standard swinging flashlight tests before purchasing EyeKinetix.
Q: What would you say has been the biggest impact of adopting this technology?
Dr. Kosanovich: It has been a valuable addition to our practice, for sure. Especially for glaucoma and glaucoma-suspect patients, it’s that extra piece of information to help you make more intelligent decisions about patient management.
Q: Why did you choose this device? Were you looking for something more objective than the swinging flashlight or did knowledge that the device existed kind of raise that issue for you?
Dr. Kosanovich: Knowing this was out there definitely brought the need to the forefront. I mean, if you don’t have anything else to work with, you’re just going to rely on the swinging flashlight, but as we all know, those subtle pupillary defects aren’t always noticed by the technician. Once a patient is dilated, you don’t get a chance to go back and recheck. But with EyeKinetix, it’s so simple. You get that information before they even get into the exam room.
Watch the video to learn how Dr. Kosanovich has benefitted from transforming a subjective part of a standard eye exam and getting better information about the pupillary response from a quick scan in his practice!

Why Does Dr. Kosanovich Love the EyeKinetix?
Watch the video to learn how Dr. Kosanovich has benefitted from transforming a subjective part of a standard eye exam and getting better information about the pupillary response from a quick scan in his practice!
Q: Interesting. Would you say it’s easy to train your techs to use?
Dr. Kosanovich: [laughs] I think, yeah, the hardest part is inputting the password.

Q: Why did you choose this device? Were you looking for something more objective than the swinging flashlight or did knowledge that the device existed kind of raise that issue for you?
Dr. Kosanovich: Knowing this was out there definitely brought the need to the forefront. I mean, if you don’t have anything else to work with, you’re just going to rely on the swinging flashlight, but as we all know, those subtle pupillary defects aren’t always noticed by the technician. Once a patient is dilated, you don’t get a chance to go back and recheck. But with EyeKinetix, it’s so simple. You get that information before they even get into the exam room.
Why Does Dr. Kosanovich Love the EyeKinetix?
Watch the video to learn how Dr. Kosanovich has benefitted from transforming a subjective part of a standard eye exam and getting better information about the pupillary response from a quick scan in his practice!
Q: Interesting. Would you say it’s easy to train your techs to use?
Dr. Kosanovich: [laughs] I think, yeah, the hardest part is inputting the password.

Q: Have you had any interesting interactions or stories that stand out using this device with your patients?
Dr. Kosanovich: The biggest question is ‘what’s this? I’ve never done this test before, because it’s brand-new and different from what patients expect to go through in their exam. We were early adopters of this technology and I’ve found it to be so valuable in the initial testing room. I use it in full comprehensive exams and follow-up dilated fundus exams. With the patients, it’s an additional piece of information and patient management and really gives you an idea where they are neurologically and how balanced they are.
Q: So, talk to me like I'm a doctor who is considering this technology. What do you want me to know?
Dr. Kosanovich: This is a great piece of technology to add your practice, especially for any borderline patients where you may have a concern about their vision and optic nerve status.
Last Question. How would you describe working with David Keith when you have a need for new technology?
David Keith is my go-to guy on all technology and especially diagnostic equipment. Konan is a great company to work with and the fact that now we’ve got David Keith — that’s a killer combination. Good equipment and good service from David is so valuable to our practice.