See What You’ve Been Missing®
Konan Medical manufactures and distributes best-in-class ophthalmic diagnostic devices that may aid clinicians diagnosing and effectively managing disorders that pose risks to both vision and overall well-being.

With ground-breaking innovations in objective perimetry and specular microscopy, our solutions provide unparalleled diagnostic precision and efficiency. These advancements underscore Konan’s unwavering commitment to serving eye care professionals to help them improve the outcomes of their patients.

ObjectiveFIELD® Objective Field Analyzer
objectiveFIELD® is the first and only truly objective perimeter FDA 510(k) cleared to assess visual field abnormalities. objectiveFIELD® utilizes a novel method called Multifocal Pupillographic Objective Perimetry (mfPOP), which is analogous to multifocal ERG/VEP, but without electrodes.
The exam is bilateral, and takes approximately 90 seconds or 7 minutes, for both eyes, depending on which test protocol is selected.
Both eyes are individually tested, at the same time (a dichoptic presentation).
- No patient response required
- Eye patching is not required
- No variability between OD & OS exams
(SAP is two exams at different points in time)
EyeKinetix® Objective Binocular Pupillometer
Checking pupils for an RAPD is an important part of the comprehensive eye exam, and is recommended in the AAO’s Preferred Practice Patterns® for POAG suspects and patients, however the swinging flashlight method is difficult for humans to do well, and even more difficult and time consuming to accurately quantify.
Importantly, there is evidence that even subtle RAPDs may be clinically significant. EyeKinetix® makes it easy to accurately and objectively assess RAPDs and physiological anisocoria.
EyeKinetix Clinical Benefits:
- May aid in the detection of vision or even life-threatening disorders
- Accurately measure and document physiological anisocoria
- Objective: improve your confidence in routine and subtle RAPD assessment
- Detailed, objectively quantified documentation of the presence or absence of an RAPD

CellChek® 20 and 20 PLUS — The All-New, Blazing Fast, Fully-Automated Specular Microscopes
CellChek® 20 is Konan Medical’s new, non-contact specular microscope that can capture and analyze bilateral exams with one touch in under 40 seconds. The new easy-to-use “Simple Mode” enables one-touch, fully-automated endothelial image capture with analysis, reporting, and exporting of data.
CellChek® 20 PLUS adds near-limbal imaging to the standard model. It extends the limits of corneal endothelial image capture adding locations to 4.5mm from center. Six additional fixation points, 13 total.
CellChek® 20 Clinical Benefits:
- Visualize endothelial cells with 40x magnification compared to slit lamp bio-microscopy
- Identify pre-existing low density and dystrophies that may affect positive surgical outcomes
- Confirm recommended cell density/morphology for scleral/specialty contact lenses
ColorDx® CCT HD
Color vision and contrast sensitivity are important functions of the visual system, which may be affected by many diseases, disorders and common drugs and substances.
Understanding if and how much visual function is affected may assist clinical decision making and augment conversations with your patients.
Developed in collaboration with the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine OBVA (Operational Based Vision Assessment) laboratory under CRADA, CCT HD® expands on the strengths of the original USAF cone-isolation contrast test (Rabin CCT) and is built from the ground up with entirely new architecture.
ColorDx Clinical Benefits:
- Cone-isolation contrast sensitivity methodology
- Expanded low-contrast range testing
- “Landolt C” based test strategies
- Simple to use 4-button response pad